Sunday, April 19, 2009

Las Gallas performance at AAI's Grand Opening

Las Gallas (Magda Martinez, Julia Lopez and Michelle Ortiz) pay homage to the Santa Galla to send blessings to the Asian Arts Initiative new space.


Julia Lopez said...

It was an honor to create and present with Michelle and Magda as part of the AAI new space blessing.
It also has been great being a Galla:-)

Unknown said...

Congratulations to AAI! And way to go Las Gallas! You made my day. I'm just going to have to Kikiriki all outloud at the top of the hill right now in your honor!

Besotes! I'm so proud!


Time4Grace said...

Kudos! Love you guys! Sorry I couldn't be there. Congrats to AAI and to you for another great production.